Angus Cloud’s mother is speaking out, revealing suicide was not her son’s intention before he died. Cloud died at his family’s home in Oakland, CA, on July 31.

Speaking on Facebook, Cloud’s mother, Lisa Cloud, stated Angus was grieving his father’s passing from mesothelioma, but the actor’s “last day was a joyful one.”

“He spoke of his intent to help provide for his sisters at college, and also help his mom emotionally and financially,” Lisa wrote. “He did not intend to end his life. When we hugged goodnight we said how much we loved each other and he said he would see me in the morning. I don’t know if or what he may have put in his body after that. I only know that he put his head on the desk where he was working on art project’s, fell asleep and didn’t wake up.

“We may find out that he overdosed accidentally and tragically, but it’s abundantly clear that he did not intend to check out of this world. His struggles were real. He gave and received so much love and support to and from his tribe. His work in euphoria became a lightning rod for his generation and opened up a conversation about compassion, loyalty, acceptance and love.”

You can see the full message below and read more about Angus Cloud’s death here.

The post Angus Cloud’s Mother Says Her Son Didn’t Commit Suicide: ‘His Did Not Intend to End His Life’ first appeared on The Source.

The post Angus Cloud’s Mother Says Her Son Didn’t Commit Suicide: ‘His Did Not Intend to End His Life’ appeared first on The Source.

August 7, 2023

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