In response to the second RNC debate in Simi Valley, CA, Biden-Harris 2024 unveiled its third campaign ad, “The Difference” or “La Diferencia,” focusing on the Democratic Party’s commitment to Latino Americans. This ad aims to highlight the contrast between Republicans’ promises and President Biden’s historic investments in improving the quality of life for Latinos.

The narrator in the ad emphasizes that actions speak louder than words, with some politicians merely talking while others, like President Biden, take concrete steps. During his first term, President Biden’s economic agenda achieved record-low Latino unemployment, supported Latino small businesses, and reduced costs for Latino families while increasing access to affordable health insurance.

While MAGA Republicans are portrayed as favoring the wealthy, President Biden’s approach prioritizes the middle class. It emphasizes rebuilding the economy from the bottom up and the middle out rather than the top down.

“Republicans talk a lot of game, but Joe Biden actually delivers for Latinos,” said Maca Casado, Biden-Harris 2024 Hispanic Media Director. “That’s the difference and that’s the choice Latinos will face in November 2024: between an agenda that is lowering costs and investing in Latino communities and their businesses, and MAGA Republicans whose platform only serves the wealthy and powerful. President Biden’s campaign knows Latinos’ political power and is investing early and aggressively to make his case because we won’t take their votes for granted.”

“La Diferencia” is part of a $25 million ad campaign by Team Biden-Harris and will be broadcast in English and Spanish across battleground states: Arizona, Nevada, Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan, North Carolina, and Wisconsin. The ad will also air in Spanish on a Univision simulcast of the Republican debate.

The post Biden-Harris 2024 Releases ‘La Diferencia’ Ad Targeting Latino Voters first appeared on The Source.

The post Biden-Harris 2024 Releases ‘La Diferencia’ Ad Targeting Latino Voters appeared first on The Source.

September 22, 2023

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