Transformers: Rise of the Beast is the seventh installment of the evergreen franchise. The film stars Dominique Fishback, Anthony Ramos, and Tobe Nwingwe. 

Fishback, Ramos, and Nwingue speak on their experience while filming the movie and leading up to it. 

Regarding living up to any expectations, Ramos and Fishback stood tall on their acting chops. 

“I wouldn’t call it any more pressure than my desire to be authentic as a character,” says Fishback. “You can’t go wrong if you live in the heart of your character. “I do my best to follow the heart of my character.” 

Ramos agreed with his co-star while also praising the previous leading actors of the franchise. 

“Shia LeBeouf and Mark Wahlberg set a pretty high bar as far as male leads,” he begins. “I try not to think about how good they were. The movie is not just about me, so it helps to have new characters and elements to help me to be my best.”

Nwingwe acted in the film and provided the leading song for the movie’s soundtrack entitled “On My Soul,” featuring Nas and Jacob Banks. The song is featured in the movie’s final battle scene as well. 

2023 has brought about a number of debuts for Nwigwe. He also made his Coachella debut back in April, where h was introduced to the stage by Autobots leader Optimus Prime. 

“My first idea was to get all of the Transformers down there and have them all in mint (color),” said Nwingwe. “But we were pressed for time and Paramount was able to at least make Optimus (Prime) happen. 

Transformers: Rise of The Beast also made history by casting the first Black director of the film in Steven Caple Jr. 

“You focus on the product and the story you want to tell,” he says. “We accomplished what we wanted to do, and that’s to have people connect to the film itself.” 

Transformers: Rise of the Beasts debuted at No. 1 in its opening weekend with $60.5 million in domestic sales.

The post Tobe Nwingwe, Dominique Fishback and Anthony Ramos on Preparing To Deliver a Box Office Hit in ‘Transformers: Rise of the Beast’ appeared first on The Source.

June 14, 2023

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