Dwyane Wade has become the latest Chicago Sky’s ownership group member.

It’s an incredible feeling being on this side of history. To see growth, on the business side, for something that I’ve been passionate about my whole life is an amazing feeling. There are amazing things happening in the @WNBA. It’s official! This is for the home team– literally.… pic.twitter.com/lsvQovpj5z

— DWade (@DwyaneWade) July 14, 2023

“We all talk about support, and support looks different for everyone,” Wade said to ESPN. “And so instead of tweeting out and saying ‘go support the W,’ instead of showing up at the game and supporting, I wanted to take it to that next level, and this was the next level for me.

“It’s a great opportunity to be a part of the league in its very early stages. … Growth is going to happen, and so I want to be a part of the growth of this league.”

Wade’s percentage has yet to be disclosed and is subject to the WNBA Board of Governors.

“This is meaningful for the players, and this is meaningful for the city as a whole,” Sky co-owner and operating chairman Nadia Rawlinson said. “Dwyane Wade is a son of Chicago. And the thing that differentiates us, I think, from other franchises is that we are Chicago. We are the future of Chicago. We are the culture of Chicago. We are in it and of it, and he is very much sort of a main character in that story. And we’re just pleased and thrilled at what the future can bring with both of us working together.”

BREAKING: Dwyane Wade is joining the WNBA’s Chicago Sky ownership group. “Instead of tweeting out and saying ‘go support the W,’ instead of showing up at the game and supporting, I wanted to take it to that next level,” Wade told ESPN. https://t.co/IEE19iPoOp

— ESPN Women’s Hoops (@ESPN_WomenHoop) July 14, 2023

The post SOURCE SPORTS: Dwyane Wade Joins Chicago Sky’s Ownership Group first appeared on The Source.

The post SOURCE SPORTS: Dwyane Wade Joins Chicago Sky’s Ownership Group appeared first on The Source.

July 14, 2023

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